Continuing The Setup Process: Adding Additional Properties

In this article we will list the 5 steps needed to customize the set up of each new property added and what can be done once multiple properties have been added.  Each step provides links to the Resource Center articles/videos/screen shots that cover how to complete each step. 

Step 1. Create Groups and/or Routes

Creating a Group or Route allows you to control which properties an officer can access and create reports at.

This typically does not apply to Standing Guards but rather Patrol Routes.

If the new Properties you are adding are not part of a Group or Route skip to step 2.

Step 2. Completing the following steps for each Property:

Add property notes and post orders to the property.

Customize the Issue Types assigned to the property. You'll want to remove the issue types that don't apply to the property and add any unique issue types that may be needed.

Add checkpoints to the property. Of course, this is optional but highly recommended. 

Step 3. Add your officers as users and assign them to a Property or Group/Route. 

Step 4. Login to the Handheld and Test Things Out

You can download the app from the Play or App store from an Android or Apple device. Once you login you should see the properties you've setup and you can checkout how things look for the officer.

Here is a link to our help material on using the handheld apps just in case. 

Step 5. Check out the Issue Monitor and Run a Few Reports

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