How to Use the Issue Monitor

In this article, we will go over how to use the Issue Monitor to sort Issues, create checkpoints, and tasks, add users, and much more.

When you log onto your site, you will be on the Issue Monitor home page.

The first time you log on, it will be a "blank canvas" such as this:

 The Issue Monitor is where you create and monitor Properties, Issues, approve Devices dispatch Tasks, set up Users and Automated Reports, Notifications, and more. 

The Issue Monitor is also the hub of all the activity submitted from the field using the Silvertrac App. 

As the issues come into the Issue Monitor in real-time, there are multiple ways you can search or sort through the data to prioritize the data for easy review.

  1. Depending on the user's access (Admin, Supervisor, Dispatcher, Customer), the top Tabs allow you to hover over it until a drop-down menu accesses the various options. 

  2. Each issue that comes in is given its own unique Issue ID Number. Click on the issue ID# to add notes, email or print an incident report. 

  3. The Property Name Tab allows users to view the issues created for a specific property.

  4. The Reported Issue Tab allows users to view that specific issue.

  5. The Created Date Tab allows users to view issues created on that date or selected date range.

  6. The Created By Tab allows users to view issues a specific officer or desktop user creates.

  7. The Issue Level Tab allows the user only to view issues designated by All, issue levels 1,2 or 3, checkpoints, Web users, and tasks.

  8. The Assigned To Tab allows the user only to view issues assigned to a specific officer.

  9. Below the listed issues, additional check boxes allow other search filters to be turned off and on. They are Security, Parking, Maintenance, and Include Closed. Security enables the user to only to view security issues. Parking allows the user only to view parking issues. Maintenance allows the user only to view maintenance issues. Include Closed enables the user to view all closed issues.

  10. Issue ID Tracking #. You can type in a specific issue ID# and hit enter to display that particular issue ID# only.

  11. The Graph icon will allow the user to see an Issue Summary showing all open security, maintenance, and parking issues and how long it has been since they were created. This is used as a quick snapshot of the open issues.

  12. If you are utilizing the Advanced parking feature clicking the Vehicle Icon will allow you to do a Vehicle Search. (Note: if you do not have the advanced parking module turned on, you will not see a vehicle icon here)

  13. The Note icon will allow the user to see a Task Summary showing all tasks currently open in the field.

  14. The Map pinpoint icon will allow the user to see a Checkpoint Summary of all the checkpoints (QR codes) in the system, the date they were last hit, and who they were hit by.

  15. The Clock/note icon allows for approving or denying specific Shifts Awaiting Approval. 

  16. The Chat icon allows the user to open a Message Board for one or all officers logged into the system in the field.

  17. The New Action button allows dispatchers to create an issue from the desktop or laptop or to assign an issue to a user in the field.

  18. The Update button will update the issue monitor to display only the data selected in certain sorts and searches.

Anytime changes are made in the Issue Monitor, an App User must log off of the App and log back on for those changes to go live on the App. 

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