Reviewing a Reported Issue

From the Issue Monitor, click the issue ID number on the left side to open a specific issue.

The upper portion of the left side of the pop-up window displays the actual property address and location where an issue was reported.

The upper right side of the pop-up window displays the status, who created it, who it was assigned to, who acknowledged it, arrival time, and when it was closed.

The lower right portion lists any notes, photos, or audio files added to the created incident.

The lower left side has four buttons: Add Note, Email Issue, Print Issue, and GPS map.

The Add Note Button: Because the reports are not meant to be edited, the Add Note button can be utilized to clarify or add any explanations to the existing incident created and will show up on the lower right side and will also list on the incident report

The Email Issue Button: Emailing a client directly from the system will attach the incident and notes as a PDF file and will be verified on the lower right side

The Print Issue Button: Selecting this option creates a printable PDF version of the created incident.

The GPS map Button: Selecting this button shows a map where the incident was reported.

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