In this article we will go over how to add a Task.
To add a Task hover over Property Maintenance >> select a property.
Step 1: Expand the Tasks menu
Step 2: Click Add New Task
Step 3: The Add New Task window will appear as pictured below.
Step 4: Enter a Task Name. This field is for internal use only, it will not show up for the customer or the officer.
Step 5: Select an Issue Type. This is what will show up in the issue monitor, reports, etc. Make sure the issue type is a descriptive title of the task being assigned.
NOTE: It is important to remember that all tasks must be created using an issue type. This can be done by either creating a new issue type or using an existing one.
Step 7: Select the Property Address.
Step 8: You'll have the option to assign this task to a unit/suite or a location. This is not a required field.
Step 9: Select a Task Time. This is the time the task will be automatically sent to the property/handheld.
Step 10: Select the Task Day(s) of Week. These are the days of the week in which the task will be sent to the property/handheld.
Step 11: Select the Alert if Left Open field. This allows certain users to be alerted when a task is overdue. Use this feature if you'd like your supervisors or dispatch to be notified when an officer fails to respond to a task within a certain time frame.
To learn more about enabling this alert, click here.
Step 12: Select a Disable Task After This Date (optional). This is not required. Selecting a date in this field will cancel this task after a certain date. This allows you to schedule a task to go out temporarily. Leaving this field blank will cause the task to run indefinitely.
Step 13: Click Add Task.