What Can a Customer User Can See When a Note is Revised?

In this article we will review what can be Edited on a Closed Security Issue and when and how it is viewed by your Customer User based on the access you have given them.  We will also address the common fear that a Customer User can see a Note that has been Revised and how to confirm that they don't. 

If you have the Enable Note Editing feature turned on for your .silvertracker.net portal you can select a specific Security Issue and Edit the Issue Type and Edit any Notes that were entered incorrectly or that are worded in a way that you do not want your client to see.

To review how this is done, please review the Resource Center Article

How to Add to, Change, and Edit a Security Issue that was Already Submitted

What does a Client See on the Issue Monitor?

When setting up a User as a Customer - Single Property Manager or Customer - Management Company User, you must assign them a User Group.  

If you have given your client a User Name Login and Password they can log onto your .silvertracker.net portal but they will only see the Property or Properties in their assigned User Group.

Example:  This Customer - Management Company User, has the User Group assigned; Single Property - Residential Community:

In this example, when logging onto the .silvertracker.net portal the client ONLY sees the Issues associated with that Single Property as assigned:

NOTE: In the above screen shots notice that the Tabs available to a Client are also limited.

What does a Client See when they Click on an Issue ID# to View an Edited Note?

When a Note is edited it will contain a notation that it has been Revised.  (see screen shot below)

A System Admin or Supervisor can click the box Show Internal Notes and review the original Note before it was edited:

A Client does NOT see the same original Note after it has been edited.  They can ONLY see the Revised version and they do not have the option to Show Internal Notes:

What does a Client See on the Daily Activity Report?

What a Client sees on the Daily Activity Report will depend on WHEN an Issue Note was Edited

Scenario 1: An Automated DAR was set up to be delivered at 8:00 AM and the Note was not Revised until 8:15 AM then the Client would see the original un-edited Note on the DAR.  

Scenario 2: A Note was Revised at 7:45 AM and an Automated DAR was set up to be delivered at 8:00 AM then the Client would see the Revised Note.

Scenario 3: You or the Client manually run a Daily Activity Report after the Revisions had been made, then the DAR would include the Revised Note.

The most common misunderstanding is that a Customer User sees what a System Admin or Supervisor sees.  You can verify exactly what your Client sees by logging onto your .silvertracker.net portal with the Clients User Name and Password.  

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