How Are Devices Identified in Silvertrac?

In this article we will go over how devices are identified in Silvertrac web portal and in the Silvertrac mobile app, using the Friendly Name option, and where to find the manufactures device identification.

How Are Devices Identified in Silvertrac?

How a device is identified in the Silvertrac web portal device maintenance section is determined by the device's Manufacture, Make, and Model. This is NOT a Silvertrac function.

Some manufactures using the Android OS (operating system) identify a device by a cell number and some identify a device by a device ID number.

NOTE: In the example below the manufacture and make: Samsung, model A12U identifies the device by the Device ID # whereas the manufacture and make: LGE, model MH5LM-8mM identifies the device by the phone number.

iOS (Apple) identifies ALL of their smart phones by a device number ONLY.

Using the Friendly Name Option

Because many manufactures chose to identify their devices with a device ID# rather than a phone number this can become difficult to quickly identify a specific device being used in the field, or to activate or deactivate a specific device.

To use the Friendly Name option:

  1. Identify how the the device is identified on the mobile app.

    NOTE: In the screen shot below we are using an iOS device identified by the device ID#.

  2. Hover over the System Tab and click Device Maintenance.

  3. Scroll down through the approved devices or use the Search For a Device field to find the device.

  4. Click on the device box on the left hand side of the screen and the right side of the screen will display the device information:

5. Type in the name you want to identify the device with.

NOTE: Many choose the the Property or Post name when identifying company owned devices and if it is a Officer/User owned device many choose to use the officer/owners name. In this example I'll use the device owner's name:

NOTE: For iOS devices it can now be searched by both the Friendly Name or the Device ID# even though the friendly name does not display on the mobile app login screen.

In the case where a manufacture identifies a device by the phone number the Friendly name will now appear in place of the phone number but the device can also be searched by the phone number.

Where Do I Find How a Device is Identified?

When a user opens the Silvertrac mobile app the device Phone Number or Friendly Name will display under the Version # and above the PRIVACY POLICY:

And the Device ID Number will display at the very bottom of the login screen:

Depending on how the Manufacture displays the device in Silvertrac, a System Admin can type in the Phone Number, Friendly Name or Device ID# in the Search For a Device field with the Include Inactive Devices box checked to quickly find the Device.

NOTE: The device ID# is not permanent. If, for example, a device is made inactive for a user, (even an Admin user) the device ID# will display in the Device Maintenance section as the last Device ID# that was approved.

Typing in the current device ID# displayed at the bottom of the Silvertrac App will automatically trigger the Device manufacture to gather and replace the most recent device ID# in the Device Maintenance section.

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