In this article we will go over what options there are to edit a device's Camera in Silvertrac, how Users need to take photos in the Silvertrac App so that they do not display sideways or upside-down in Silvertrac Reports, and troubleshoot why Photos appear in Reports sideways and upside-down.
Editing Options of a Device Camera in Silvertrac
The only two camera functions that can be optioned are the Flash Mode in the Silvertrac App and the Auto Focus option in the Device Maintenance section of the Issue Monitor.
NOTE: Photos that appear sideways or upside-down are not a Silvertrac App function.
The Silvertrac App uses a device's existing camera to add photos to an Issue Type. Photos cannot be added to an Issue Type from a devices photo album or gallery, they must be taken "live".
Troubleshooting a Sideways Photo.
Photos must be taken in the Landscape option. If a photo is taken in Portrait mode it will appear in reports as turned sideways to the left.
In the sample Photo below note the the date and time stamp on the bottom of the Photo.
Sample Photo taken in Portrait Mode as it appears on the DAR:
When the camera is activated in the Silvertrac App a note will appear reminding the user that Photos must be taken in Landscape mode which says, "Keep Camera tilted so this text is upright!"
Troubleshooting a Photo Taken in Landscape Mode that Appears Upside-Down
Photos that appear sideways or upside-down are not a Silvertrac App function. Many devices have the ability to take a Photo upside-down.
For example: on an iPhone Photos taken must have the volume buttons facing down to take a normal Photo. If a Photo is taken in Landscape mode with the volume buttons facing up the Photo will be taken upside-down. In the sample Photo below note the the date and time stamp on the bottom of the Photo.
Sample Photo taken with the camera tilted to Landscape but with the volume buttons facing the wrong way as it appears on the DAR:
NOTE: Photos are also taken in the Silvertrac App based on the settings of a device's Camera (typically default). If the device Camera settings have been altered this can have an affect on how the Camera operates in the Silvertrac App.
For example all Photos added in the Silvertrac App are taken with the forward facing Camera so the Photo option will not function properly if the Camera settings are in selfie mode for example.