How the Time Clock Feature Works

NOTE:  The Time Clock Feature is an optional feature that must be turned on. If you would like to add the Time Clock Feature to your portal (free of charge), please email with "Time Clock" as the Subject Line. 

In this article we will go over how the App User clocks in and out, how Administrators can review the time card submissions, review the GPS Location of the clock in/out, adjust the shifts (if needed), and approve or deny the shift. 

How the App User Clocks In

When a User logs onto the Silvertrac App and they select a Route or Group they will be given the option to clock in. 

If the employee selects "No" when logging in they will not be able to clock in without logging out and logging back in.

Once the User is clocked in they can continue to use Silvertrac as usual. 

How the App User Clocks Out

When a user is ready to clock out they will click Leave Property >> Logout. They will then be given the option to logout, Clockout, or cancel. If they click Yes they will be logged out but will remain clocked in.

In order to clock out the user must click Clockout. Clicking Clockout will will both clock the user out and log them out of the app. 

How Can I Use the Time Clock?

The time clock feature is designed to easily clock your security officer's and field workers in and out, eliminating paper time cards and other inefficient processes.

Employees can clock in and out using the Silvertrac app and administrators can review the time card submissions, review the GPS location of the clock in/out, adjust the shifts (if needed), and approve or deny the shift. 

Once all shifts have been reviewed the administrator can export a time card to a .csv to be imported into your payroll system. 

Reviewing, Approving, or Denying Shifts

To review, approve, or deny pending shifts, click on the time card icon in the bottom right hand corner. 

  1. Shift ID: Each shift is given an ID number for your reference. 

  2. Officer Name: The officer that submitted the shift. 

  3. Time In: The time the officer clocked in. Simply click on the field to adjust the time in. 

  4. Time Out: The time the officer clocked out. Simply click on the field to adjust the time in. If the field is left blank that means the officer forgot to clockout. You can then click the blank field to enter the time the officer left the post. 

  5. Total Time: Is the total time spent on the clock. 

  6. GPS: Allows you to view the GPS location of the officer when they clocked in (the green balloon) and when they clocked out (the checkered balloon). 

  7. Approve: Approving the shift will add the shift to the official time card. This cannot be undone.

  8. Deny: Denying the shift will remove it from the screen and void it from the official time card. 

Pulling a Time Card

Time cards can be pulled for all officers or for a single officer. To pull a time card hover over Reports >> All Reports >> Time Card Report >> Select a User (if applicable) >> Pull Report. 

Adding an Employee ID From an External System

If you want to import the time card from Silvertrac into your payroll or scheduling system you may need to include a reference number for each employee. To do that you'll need to enter the Time Card ID number on the Edit User Page. 

Users >> Edit User >> Select a User >> Enter the Time Card ID >> Save User Details

The Time Clock ID Number will then be included on the Time Card Report. 

Note: Alternate keywords timecard, time-card

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