Error Screen: When Logging on or Running a Report

NOTE: All System Config edits must be completed by a system Admin only.

During the initial set up process of the company URL the system Admin is asked to add the company logo for two separate uses.

  1. The URL / home page

  2. Report Headers

NOTE: In some cases a "Place holder" logo may be added on your behalf by a Silvertrac representative.

If no logo is added for the URL or the reports, if the file is corrupt, not an acceptable file, or too large or too small the following Error Messages may be encountered:

If you encounter one or both of these error messages when logging on or running a report click below for the step by step guide to ensure your logos are acceptable:

Uploading or Changing Your Logo

Additional Troubleshooting

  1. Make sure you have an Internet Connection

  2. Try Refreshing your URL page

  3. Try Logging off and back the current Browser

  4. Try Switching Browsers. 

Length of the Property Name
Another possible cause for the server error could be the length of the property name.  The Number of spaces for a property name is limited on most of the reports.  A basic rule of thumb is to try and keep property names under 40 total spaces.  If you have an unusually long property name that cannot be abbreviated, please contact Tech Support directly and efforts can be made to override the space limitations on a case by case basis. 

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